Saturday, December 28, 2019

Organizational Communication Essay - 2943 Words

Organizational Communication is probably the most important type of interpersonal communication a person has to perform in his or her adult life. Communicating with others in the work environment is a process that cannot be looked at as a small one, but as a very complex and of utmost significance to a persons life as a whole. We all know communication is a key factor in everyones life, and communicating in the work place is just a larger key for cultural expectance and normalcy. Everyone communicates with each other in all different aspects of society. When you are younger, school is the main agency for social communication and in later life it is the job you occupy. It is socially stated and seen as a norm that in adult life you should†¦show more content†¦The initial stage is called pre-arrival or anticipatory socialization, which doesnt rely too much on communication with others, except for maybe conversing with the employer. Many times the interview phase of this stage can have a great effect on if the potential employee will take the job offered. More over, in this stage the person forms expectations about the job. Basically the potential new employee has to make a decision on what life would be like on an everyday bases in this organization. Though interpersonal communication is not largely thrown in the picture, much intrapersonal communication must take place by the individual. He or she must think and communicate to themselves on if taking this job will be fulfilling, and if the job is for them. Sociologist J. Porter explained this stage that if the potential employee does in fact make the decision to enter the organization that the organizations socialization process does not construct a brand new individual so to speak, but rather attempts to reconstruct him Sometimes in this stage introductory communication with potential co-workers can effect your decision. However the socialization process does not really begin into you can interact and communicate with others that will be in your group. Im sure everyone remembers this stage. Its a tough decision to make on whether you want to enter the job. There is not much to base your expectanciesShow MoreRelatedHistory of Organizational Communication1537 Words   |  7 Pagesof the Field Reflection Paper | What is organizational communication? As a field organizational communication studies exactly what it sounds like the communication in organization. Defining the particulars of this often comes down to the researcher and the perspective that skew their opinions on the field. These subtle differences are why it takes Papa, Daniels and Spiker almost 16 pages to express their definition of their field of study. 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